Are you always stressed?
The source or cause of stress is different for everyone. Some people get stressed by work, while others are affected by finances or relationships. You can’t eliminate all your sources of stress; however, you can learn to identify them and then make changes that reduce their impact on your life. When you ask almost anyone why they’re stressed, mostly you will get typical answers such as internal deadlines or poor work life balance or overpacked schedules.
While these situations certainly do lead to a pressure-cooker atmosphere, did you know they’re not really the most significant cause? Read on to know more how internal pressure and anxiety that we create for ourselves are the real causes or sources of stress.
1. Self-criticism
Take control of your inner critic, focus on your strengths and try to forgive yourself. If there’s something about yourself that you’re particularly unhappy with (i.e., “I’m not smart enough”), then the more often you focus on those aspects of yourself in negative ways (for instance, thinking about how dumb it makes me feel), the worse off you’ll feel overall.
2. Powerlessness.
A lack of resources—money, education, and skills among them—that make it difficult to have control over one’s life’s direction or handle stressful situations effectively.
3. Perfectionism
It’s no surprise that perfectionism is a source of stress. Perfectionists are often people-pleasers and strive to meet other people’s standards of excellence. So, instead of setting unrealistic goals or high expectations for both themselves and others, be your best and give your 100%, however, bid bye to always be perfect.
4. Worry
We feel worried when our expectations are unrealistic, such as expecting everything to go perfectly all the time and not accepting ourselves for who we are. Thinking about ourselves too much (insecurity) leads to worrying about what others think about us, as well as wanting to compare ourselves with others in order to find out if we are good enough or better than them (social comparison). All these factors can lead to hurrying which makes us feel stressed out even more when things don’t go according to plan! Faith and action are some of the best ways to tackle the same.
5. Unrealistic expectations
Unrealistic expectations are one major source of stress. If you’re constantly expecting the worst and anticipating failure, your stress levels will skyrocket. If you don’t expect anything from people, they’ll have no reason to disappoint you.
It’s not just the expectations we place on ourselves or other people that can cause problems; sometimes it’s our own goals and dreams that lead to high levels of stress—and setting unrealistic goals is one way we do this! When we set out to accomplish something enormous and then fail because it was just too big for us, we can feel like complete failures (even if others would take it as a positive accomplishment).
6. Insecurity
So what is insecurity? Insecurity is a feeling of being unsure of yourself and your abilities. It’s the feeling that you’re not good enough, or that you can’t cope with a situation, or that you don’t have the skills needed to handle pressure.
Insecurity can be caused by past failures or experiences where people have been hurt or let down. Sometimes people feel they’ve been treated unfairly in some way, which makes them question their self-worth and ability to cope with future challenges. It is important to understand to accept
8. Constant Comparison
Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time. The moment you see someone better than you, you will compare yourself to them and feel less satisfied with your own skills. But this is only one person. There are many other areas in which that person might be worse than you in other ways. So don’t waste energy comparing yourself to others—you can only succeed or fail by judging yourself by your own standards.
9. Negative thoughts/Pessimism
Some people tend to be more pessimistic than others, which can lead to stress when they expect the worst. They may think that bad events will happen and good ones won’t, or they might assume that nothing will go right for them. If you’re a pessimist, this type of thinking can make you feel frustrated and upset. A positive perspective could help relieve some of the stress linked with being pessimistic.
10. Competition
Try to focus on the learning side of every aspect and not on whether you are winning or losing. Competition gives us goals that aren’t just about getting ahead but about improving ourselves overall – which leads us back around again.
Read More: Top 10 Sources of Stress